Pr Jeph with Pr Kefa Munga of Family of Christ Church and the chairperson of the Namugongo division Pastor's fellowship.
By Sandra P(WFM)
Pr Jeph Prince Wamboka the lead minister at Sceptre Nations Ministries who's also an MP aspirant for Bulambuli County has just concluded a two day's leadership conference at PDN Kampala Uganda.
Pr Jeph at the One Leadership Pastors Conference at PDN Kampala.
Pr. Richmond, the founder of PDN together with a team of ministers from allover the world, including Pr Matt Keller from the US facilitated powerful sessions where a lot of knowledge and information was imparted by the Grace of God to the thousands of ministers who attended
On day two a special session with the men was held. The men of God have been reminded to treat their wives and children in the following four areas acronymed as (H.I.G.H)
1. H. HONOUR. Honour your wife and children. Honour means placing high value on something. In this case it's our wives and children.
2. I. INTEGRITY. Mat 5:28. Look at other women as sisters.
3. G. GIFTS. Gen 5:2. We are gifted differently. Women are our helpers. The word helper in Greek is "Azer" meaning Tutor. One who is stronger in the areas you're weak. Allow thier gifts to grow.
4. H. HOLD. Both physically and emotionally and in every other ways, we're to hold and uphold our wives and children. Every Child lives with the following questions;
- Can I do it?
- Am I enough?
- Do I have what it takes?
Hold them always in all ways.
Pr Matt also donated materials which Pr Jeph Prince intends to share this information with the interested public.
One of the materials, a book by Pr. Matt Keller titled, 🐴 Mission
Pr Matt also encouraged men to remember that they're not only male. They shouldn't only behave like males. They should also behave like husbands and fathers.
The conference ended with other workshops that encouraged ministers to have clear visions for their Ministries and sourcing for the right kind of partnership to help in the fulfillment of the divine assignments given by God.
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