Is it about time for NRM to revise the liberation philosophy?

The main reason we celebrate certain occasions, events and seasons is to honor an important detail in our life and share that special moment with the people. Special occasions bring people together in unity, harmony, and peace. 

The liberation day is no exception of one of those highly revered moments of the NRM government. This is the day to mark the capture of power by the NRM government on the 26th of January 1986. This feat was accomplished with a huge cost on the part of the nation in terms of loss of lives, distortion of economic growth trends, changes in legislations, and in a sense, it was an overhaul of the entire political landscape. It however initially came with a lot of jubilation nationwide and has since been held in high esteem until recently when people seem to develop new ideas about it. 

The quantum and momentum of this day seems to be toning down in recent years as there's a lot of pressure for change in the topmost office of this country, since people generally think it fit, for their own varied reasons. The biggest reason for this push is the current economic crisis that looms over the entire country, at household level. 

It makes no  sense therefore, for the nation to chant bush war songs and recite the hard times encountered in the bush whilst there's an economic self setting guerrilla war right on the streets of the nation. 

Secondly, the bush war generation has overtime diminished. There's now a smartphone generation which doesn't relate with bushes. This generation understands smart markets, AI integrations, drone aided urban warfare and a quick paced social economic processing. 

If NRM is therefore to remain relevant in holding its liberation philosophies, there's a need for a new National Liberation Front from within the ambit of the ruling government to follow an all inclusive approach to tackling our new social economic challenges. Just like the NRA liberated the country from political oppression, this new front should liberate the country from economic oppression. There's a need for either a political transition or political transfusion for new unadulterated energetic blood to translate this liberation philosophy into what works for the future. 

We therefore don't need to hold liberation celebrations. We need to encourage liberation calibrations from within all political frontiers, and players to foster a new dawn of an error from which we shall curve out another liberation celebration. For this nation to be steered to greater levels of progress, NRM needs smart, daring brains and not opportunistic space fillers. The whole nation is waiting for this new liberation. 

And when we break this down to specific areas such as Bulambuli district, the #MBOKA philosophy will have to hold. MBOKA stands for (Molding Bulambuli On Key Actionnables). It's the mindset that empowers all stakeholders to gnaw at the cake of  development from an actionable SWOT synthesis. We have what it takes to steer progress and development within our borders but we need a think tank and command center to steer this development into fruition. 

Ladies and gentlemen, babihali bebulambuli,  It's time to #MBOKA. 

I wish you all a mindful and peaceful liberation season,  for God and my country.



The writer is a former member of parliament aspirant in Bulambuli Constituency


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